tag: Netgen Tags

TagsBundle and eZ Tags with multilanguage tags released

TagsBundle and eZ Tags with multilanguage tags released

Edi Modrić

Today is a special day for Netgen. After a couple of years of development and constant testing, we finally tagged and released the multilanguage variant of eZ Tags (which includes TagsBundle as well as the legacy extension).

eZ Tags 2.0 beta is released, try it out!

eZ Tags 2.0 beta is released, try it out!

Edi Modrić

Impossible, you say :) After a long year, when we first started development of version 2.0 of eZ Tags, we finally have something to show to the community. We know it shouldn’t have lasted this long, but what can you do... Sometimes a paying job just gets in a way :)

New version of eZ Tags released

New version of eZ Tags released

Edi Modrić

We have just released a new version of eZ Tags extension which brings the version number up to 1.2. This is a second version released since the initial blog post introducing eZ Tags six months ago and we thought it would be a good idea to give an overview of what is new in eZ Tags 1.1 and 1.2.

How to install and use eZ Tags

How to install and use eZ Tags

Edi Modrić

Since we tagged eZ Tags extension as stable on GitHub few weeks ago, we thought this would be a good time to write something about how to install eZ Tags extension and common usages.

Overview of eZ Tags extension

Overview of eZ Tags extension

Ivo Lukač

The time has come to inform the eZ community about interesting stuff currently in development in eZ Tags extension and to give a current overview of the project.

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